You always see
farther from the top.


United Kingdom

David from Switzerland / UK

Foundation Year in Bio-Medicine (2016), East Anglia University

In the summer of 2015 I obtained the Swiss Matura and since then I have planned to start a degree course in medicine. Dr. Schmitt provided me with many valuable contacts to learn more about studying medicine or bio-medicine. Those contacts and the useful information I got thanks to them have been a real added value for my decision-making and weighing up the various options. I am very thankful to Dr. Schmitt.

Martin from Germany

BA European Social and Political Studies (2017), University College London (UCL)

UNITARGET not only helped me when I feared to lose an overview of all the degree courses available, but they supported me with competence in all questions relating to UCAS and my future chances in the UK. They were especially helpful with their tips for the personal statement and the admission interview, during which I could profit from their experience.

Federico from Italy

Director of Sales at Rubiera Special Steel, Italy
Captain of the Italian national lacrosse team
BA in Business (2009), University of Durham
MSc in Marketing Management (2012), Università Bocconi

Starting my final year of high school I only knew I wanted to study Business and Management, but I had no idea where and my family wanted me to come back to Italy. Dr. Schmitt told me what was necessary to do, what I had to prepare and what marks I had to reach to get where I wanted. But the most important thing he did for me was to convince me and helped me convince my family to pick the British university system. Without his guidance I would have never picked England, I would have never got the grades to get into Durham University, but most of all I would have never completed the application successfully which opened the door to three of the best years of my life.

Sophia from Switzerland

MA History and History of Art (2017), University of Edinburgh

Ever since I was a child I was truly convinced that I wanted to be a marine biologist and as my graduation year approached, I asked Dr. Schmitt for his advice and assistance in the rather tedious application process for British universities. He was incredibly helpful, especially when it came down to writing my personal statement where I had to explain why a mountain girl wanted to study marine biology. I got accepted at the University of Southampton, which with its oceanographic center should have been the absolute dream for every prospective marine biologist. However, things turned out to be quite different. After I realised that marine biology was not for me, I once again turned to Dr. Schmitt for his advice and help. I am extremely grateful for his professional advice and patience at a moment when I felt lost and had no idea what and where I should study in the future. The motivational talks with Dr. Schmitt helped me to regain my courage and I applied for History and History of Art at the University of Edinburgh. As during my first application process Dr. Schmitt was extremely helpful and proved to be very flexible in regard of my sudden change of direction. Looking back, my experience in Southampton was an important one; I realized that childhood dreams cannot always be applicable to your older and mature self. I am now in my 3rd year at the University of Edinburgh studying History and History of Art and I feel like I have finally found the place where I belong, doing a course which I love. I am forever grateful for Dr. Schmitt’s counselling without which I would not be where I am right now, after all he is the reason why I study History! Thank you!

Florian from Germany

BA Mathematics and Computer Science (2016), University of Oxford

When I contacted UNITARGET a year before actually starting at Oxford, I only had a vague notion of the British university system. The UNITARGET team helped me not just thanks to their expertise, but they did so very personally and enthusiastically – from the choice of the univerities to the mock interviews. I’m having an exciting time in England and I thank UNITARGET for the valuable support!

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  • Arnaud from Switzerland

    Two-time NCAA champion
    BSc Maths and Physics (2016), University of Colorado Boulder

    When I look back, I see the choices which led me to where I am now. And talking to Dr. Curt Schmitt, well, that definitely was the right choice...

  • Nicolas from Germany

    Founder of
    BA in Business Administration (2008), Universität St. Gallen
    MBA (2016), University of Chicago Booth School of Business

    I shall forever be grateful to Dr. Schmitt for helping me learn everything about business in two of the most rigorous and stimulating academic environments on both sides of the Atlantic.

  • Jacob from Germany

    BA Arts and Sciences (2019), University of Miami

    Thanks to its international experience and expertise UNITARGET helped me to find the perfect match. I am extremely happy with my decision and I could not feel better at any other university.

  • Elisaveta from Latvia

    BA in Communications (2015), New York University (NYU)

    Dr. Schmitt was very helpful in walking me through the application process, from the college essays to preparing for the standardized tests - and breaking down an otherwise intimidating process into clear, simple steps with precise deadlines.

  • Stephanie from France

    BA in Anthropology (2018), London School of Economics (LSE)

    I absolutely love my course and probably wouldn't have found it without Dr. Schmitt’s help – let alone get into LSE without his support.